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Autobiografia lui Charlie Chaplin

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Azi îl citești pe marele Charlie Chaplin. Îl știi pe Charlie din filmele sale celebre, poate jucând rolul de vagabond, sau poate chiar din interpretarea sa ce a prevestit viitorul înecat in crimele împotriva umanității: Marele dictator.

Azi un nume respectat probabil de orice persoană care trăiește pe planeta asta, a început mic, mic de tot, și dintr-o sărăcie care nu poate decât să te aducă în lacrimi adânci.

Dacă vrei să vezi ce înseamnă să pornești de la zero, sau mai bine zis de la minus, și să ajungi să schimbi arta și probabil destinul umanității, atunci cartea aceasta este pentru tine.

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Probabil cel mai copleșitor monolog din istoria filmului

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History was a record of wickedness and violence, a continual succession of regicides and kings murdering their wives, brothers and nephews; geography merely maps; poetry nothing more than exercising memory. Education bewildered me with knowledge and facts in which I was only mildly interested.


And now a crisis had arisen. Sydney needed a new suit of clothes. He had worn his telegraph uniform every day in the week, including Sundays, until his friends began to joke about it. So for a couple of week-ends he stayed home until Mother was able to buy him a blue serge suit. In some way she managed to scrape together eighteen shillings. This created an insolvency in our economy, so that Mother was obliged to pawn the suit every Monday after Sydney went back to work in his telegraph uniform. She got seven shillings for the suit, redeeming it every Saturday for Sydney to wear over the week-end.


The fact is I am no patriot – not for moral or intellectual reasons alone, but because I have no feeling for it. How can one tolerate patriotism when six million Jews were murdered in its name? Some might say that was in Germany; nevertheless, these murderous cells lie dormant in every nation.


I wanted to know, not for the love of knowledge but as a defense against the world’s contempt for the ignorant.

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